Few things help create legacies while celebrating who we are like a great public art event. That is just one reason I have been pleased to be a part of putting together the Wet Paint Live – Vermont event.
This event builds on the growing interest in the arts in southeastern Vermont, as well as events that are already popular (fall foliage in Vermont and the Vermont Apple Festival). Designed to showcase artists, entertain the public, and inspire new artists, there is also a deliberate economic development component. Increasing foot traffic to downtown merchants was a key consideration in determining where and when to host the event. It was also important to think about how artists could benefit directly, with opportunities to sell their work.
Initiated by artists, there is now a core team of developers for Wet Paint Live- Vermont which includes representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, the Regional Development Corp, local and regional artists, and other interested community members. All value the arts, and the inherent opportunities of public arts events.
As an emerging arts community, this small town, situated in a picturesque valley, with a rich history of industrial innovation and relevance, offers a unique perspective for artists. In celebrating these seemingly divergent aspects, as well as the artists themselves, while bringing more attention to local merchants, legacies will be built.